Kris Chester
Music Therapist - Board Certified
Kris has been surrounded by music since she was born. Her parents sang and her mother played the piano. At an early age, she started picking out melodies on the family piano, which eventually led to formal lessons starting about age 8. Being involved in voice, choir and piano throughout her school years (graduating from North Garland HS) and participating in various solo and ensemble performance and competitions, as well as Sonatina festivals, Kris went on to attend RIchland Community College where a professor of Music Theory mentioned the field of Music Therapy. She continued her formal education at Sam Houston State University on scholarship to pursue her degree.
Upon completing the course work and internship with focus on the use of Music Therapy in public schools with children with developmental disabilities, she received her Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy degree, and started work for Lewisville ISD where she also completed her Board Certification in Music Therapy. She provided services in Lewisville ISD for 11 years, then turned her attention to raising a family while continuing to provide music therapy assessments for area ISDs, as well as music therapy sessions for local elder community settings and adult day centers for those with developmental disabilities.
Through her over 30 years as a music therapist, Kris has co-authored a professional paper, presented music therapy interventions for a wide range of audiences, facilitated several workshops focusing on implementing various music-based strategies for therapeutic purposes, and been an advocate of the use of music therapy and therapeutic music in every aspect of life.