Office Assistant (Virtual)

Dagmara Kusak

Dagmara lives in Cracow, Poland but she grew up in a quaint countryside. She completed her degree in Biology studies at Jagiellonian University, specializing in neuroscience. Her interest areas include the fashion industry, as she is employed by a Polish clothing brand, social media marketing, and chronobiology. Among her many hobbies, traveling is her greatest passion, though she also enjoys skiing, swimming, yoga, and mountain hiking. Her dream is to never stop exploring the world, improving herself, and expanding her knowledge.

Since high school, she’s been helping her mother in her small shop. During this time, she has trained her customer service skills and developed her organizational abilities. Her work values are integrity, kindness, and good communication with clients. Dagmara supervises our schools’ office and social media accounts.

Facilities Coordinator

Anar Aliyev

Anar Aliyev, husband of Eva Brandys, owner of Park Cities School of Music, Lakewood Conservatory of Fine Arts and Dallas Heritage Academy. Mr. Aliyev is a qualified civil engineer with nineteen years of work experience in Socar Oil and Gas Company. He has experience managing large projects and teams. Since last eight years Mr. Aliyev has been involved in life of schools and has been right hand of Mrs. Brandys. Mr. Aliyev along with his full-time job is woking as PCSM/LCFA Facilities Coordinator and helps Mrs Brandys with all duties that need immediate attention. He supports his wife in the endeavor to build the best Fine Arts and Music Education School program in Dallas Metroplex.

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