Violin, Viola, Piano, Voice
Ms Patricia began studying piano at the age of 6. She received a M.M. in Piano Performance and Piano Accompanying from Southern Methodist University. She was honored as Who’s Who International Outstanding Students in American Colleges and Universities. Before then, she received Brevet Diplôme from École Normale de Musique de Paris, France, and a B.Lit. in French Literature from Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
At the age of 5, she sang live on her homeland national radio ZhongGuang Broadcasting Cooperation. She was a member and piano accompanist of Fu-Jen Catholic University Chorus through graduation. She took vocal lessons at homeland and took vocal credits from École Normale de Musique de Paris, as well later the graduate vocal credits from SMU. She received Diplôme of Art Lyrique et Chant (studies of voice and drama art) from Conservatoire Municipal de Musique et d’Art Dramatique d’Issy-les-Moulineaux, France. She won 2nd and 3rd Medals in Voice of Concours de l’U.F.A.M – International Music Competition for Women Artists Musicians, Paris, France. Soprano Isabel Garcisanz was her voice mentor in Paris. Patricia also won the positions of Assistant Accompanist and Associate Alto of The National Chorus at her homeland after its Competition.
Patricia Tsai was the elected 3rd vice president of Denver Music Teachers Association and the secretary of Colorado Pace (Dr. Robert Pace method) Setters. She won top prize at the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church (ACCC)’s contest of Annul Talented Spring Festival, from her leading the performance of the 4th-grade class and the self-composition for chorus and piano accompaniment based on the poems of Tang Dynasty.
In recent years, Patricia has been selected as Teacher Performer at Piano Texas International Academy & Festival. She experienced in the Symphonic Workshops & Professional Development at Kromériz (Czech Republic), the piano solo performance with the Kroméríz Festival Orchestra and the Hradec Kralove Philharmonic.
She completed credit courses at TCU Piano Pedagogy Graduate Program with the content including preschoolers to seniors.
Patricia has been a piano instructor since 2011 at the Tarrant County College Northwest Campus. Beginning in April 2016, Tsai has been awarded Certificates of Appreciation from the College for her years of service and dedication to its Senior Education Program.
Patricia Tsai is a member of FWMTA, TMTA, MTNA, FWPTF; Committee member of Fort Worth Solo Competition sponsored by FWMTA.
She enjoys teaching students of all ages and has been teaching at Park Cities School of Music since January 2018.